Monday, March 27, 2017

41Day:: A Note From the Founder


If there's one thing I could tell you about being the Founder of a nonprofit, it's that exactly none of us started and organization because we love fundraising. I'll take that one step further for myself and say that pretty much all administrative work falls into the "cons" category for me. What I'm trying to say is, HI!, I'm sorry it's been so long.

That said, a big "pro", the biggest of all, is the people we get to work with and for; the community we've built and the partnerships that make it possible. I'm talking about you. All of us, working together, doing our part for the greater good. And that's exactly what 41Day is all about! This is a day where we join with people all over the world, chose to give up our lunch for one day (or don't), and donate what we would have spent (or more) to feed students in Rwanda. If you spend $10 on lunch, that same $10 would feed 40 students, for the day, in our program.

Our 5th Annual 41Day is this Saturday, April 1st! In the simplest way, with cost of your lunch money, YOU get to be a part of true, lasting change. It doesn't change the whole world, but it sure does change someone's. Over the last 4 years, just on this one day, you have provided over 250,000 meals to our students! 

It's pretty unbelievable to fathom; No.41 started on whim, to meet a need, with a dream and a prayer and a blog post and $120 donated for our first sewing machine. Today, we've employed over 50 women and men, graduated 5 young women from university, and fed over ONE MILLION meals to students who wouldn't have eaten otherwise. But more than any of that, your partnership with us has breathed life and brought hope to a community, no longer suffering to survive, but struggling to thrive

You have changed us. One dollar, one meal, one life a time.

Mark those calendars! This Saturday, April 1st. More soon!

xo- Tara

**photos by Imago Photography

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