Monday, November 10, 2014

We're in! Are you?

Hey there!

I'm going to assume that since your here today, you know a bit about what we do at No.41. Or that someone you know shared with you a bit about what we do and here you are. So, thanks!

We've got a great opportunity on our hands to feed 500 new students next year and we need your help.

I wanted to take some time and share with you why we do what we do. And why you should, too.

I'd love for you to know exactly what this means not just to the students, but to their families. And for their future. And for the future of Rwanda.

Nearly every country around the world has a school feeding program, and each day at least 368 million children from kindergarten to secondary school receive food at school. This massive figure indicates that governments recognize school feeding as an essential tool for the development and growth of school children, communities, and society as a whole, and as a social safety net. (via. World Food Programme)

So what are the benefits?

A meal gets students to school and keeps them there. There are a wide range of benefits associated with the school feeding, many of which extend beyond the classroom:
  • Safety Nets: School meals acts as income transfers for the household, helping families to educate their children and protect their food security in times of crisis. School meals support healthy development so children can become healthy and productive adults, breaking the cycle of hunger and poverty in the world’s most vulnerable areas. 
  • Nutrition: In poor countries, school meals are often the only regular and nutritious meals a child receives, acting as an investment in the child’s future. Without them, hunger and micronutrient deficiencies can cause irreversible damage to their growing brains and bodies. 
  • Education: A daily school meal provides a strong incentive to send children to school and keep them there. They allow children to focus on their studies rather than their stomachs and boost their education by increasing school enrollment and attendance, decreasing dropout rates, and improving cognitive abilities. 
  • Local Agriculture: Most food is procured locally, which benefits local farmers and the whole community while enhancing the sustainability of the program and makes healthier food baskets.
What does this mean for you?

I think it means we have a responsibility. Those of us who know nothing about the true meaning of "starving", have an responsibly to live a bit more simply, so that others may simply live.

You already know that we are feeding 1,200 students and teachers, every day, whose whole world has been changed by a feeding program we started at their school.

And now we've met some new students in Rwanda. They are hungry and their parents are trying, yet struggling, to feed them. We have the opportunity and the honor to partner with this school and their parents to make sure they get at least one hot, healthy meal every day.

I'm asking you to partner with us. We can meet this need. We can change their world, too.

Will you make a donation today, no matter how large or small, because where you live shouldn't define how you live? And no matter where you are, food should never be too much to ask?

To get started, we need 250 brand new sponsors at $10 a month. We are about 10% funded.

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