Friday, July 29, 2016

41Day, Too

Oh hey! Tara here, in case you didn't know.... It seems like every time I check in here, I'm apologizing for taking so long to check in here. Sorry about that! :) I'll be honest, it's not always easy trying to keep all the balls in the air and then run over here to let you know that, yes, all the balls are still in the air. They are! That said, I am/we are SO THANKFUL that you have chosen to support us and stick with us through this journey to change our little chunk of the world! 

Before we go any further, can we get one thing straight? I HATE fundraising! There isn't one single thing to me that feels exciting about asking for money. It's just not fun. A few things that go through my mind:

Remember, it's not about you. It's for a good cause.
When was the last time you asked?
What have you accomplished since then?
Don't make the ask too small, they'll think it doesn't matter.
Don't make the ask too big, they'll shut you out immediately.
Be funny. And honest.

And, now that we've established that, I need to ask you for some money. I promise to make it simple and painless. For both of us.

As most of y'all in the States are getting set for back to school, our crew here in Rwanda is gearing up for their last leg of the school year. Term 3 is the shortest term of year and least expensive in terms of food, because it's harvesting time, but in terms of studying it is the most important term. In term 3 many students are preparing for their National Exams, the one exam that will determine if the student will continue their studies and what they will be studying, if they do. Since we started the feeding program, three years ago, our school has consistently earned the highest test scores in the district! Which means that more of our students are able to continue their studies into higher education creating a rare opportunity to, not only enter the work force, but actually pursue something they are passionate about in university!

So, let's cut to the chase. There are 65 school days in term 3 and there are 1,184 students and teachers who will be served a hot, healthy meal each day; we need to raise $13,000 to finish out the year. For the last 3 years on 41Day, you all have rallied around us on April 1st (4-1) to donate your lunch money and raised at least that much. In one day. On August 2nd (8-2, get it?), we are asking that you would open up your lunch boxes again and donate. It's so simple and there are several ways you can help.

$5 feeds one student for an entire month. [donate here]

$16.25 feeds one student for the entire term. [donate here]

If you think, Man, this is so easy I wish I could do it every month! You can. [here]

If shopping is more your speed, the Rosine Signature Bag, which usually feeds a student for a year, has been discounted to cover just this remaining term. And the Fanny Laptop Case, Leticia Clutch, Amara Makeup Bag, and Jose Apron all cover one student for the term. [shop here]

This year has offered me the unique perspective to have two of my own sons attending the school No.41 feeds. It has always been an honor and privilege to be a part of the No.41 team providing lunch, but now I have experienced, first hand, the immense blessing of knowing that my boys are taken care of and being given the very best chance at a bright future. It's what any mother wants for her child. For any child. Will you join us?

See ya Tuesday!!

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